Duke Street, Parkhead : Affordable housing

Project Facts at a Glance

Client Parkhead Housing Association

This development for Parkhead Housing Association is within a small, problematical gap site bounded by modern recently built tenement flats and comprises of nine units within a five storey tenement. The front elevation of the building is in line with the existing tenements and directly abut on to the pedestrian footpath. The rear elevation has a small amenity space courtyard with
drying areas and bin stores.

The development is constructed of Blockwork inner leaf with cavity wall and facing brick outer leaf with tiled pitched roof. Internal works will include joinery work, electrical, plumbing and gas central heating installations. Associated external works comprise drainage, services and provisions amenity spaces. The site is relatively flat and is a brownfield site. A public house which occupied
the site was demolished as an enabling works contract to facilitate the new build development.

McTaggart Construction, through links with Parkhead Housing Association has successfully supported 100 work placements during our Parkhead contract durations. These contributed to meeting our Project KPI’s for targeted recruitment and training on this project.
Architect Mast Architects
Consulting Engineers Scott Bennett Associates

McTaggart Group
Tod House, Templand Road,
Dalry, Ayrshire KA24 5EU
01294 832195